Facilities and Opportunities
Our group and the Hydrosystems Engineering program is located in the Rob and Melani Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH) on the ASU Tempe Campus. In this facility, we have faculty and graduate student offices, a high-bay laboratory, field storage areas, bench space, and an operational open channel. In collaborations with others, we launched the Center for Hydrologic Innovations to scale up our research.
Our group seeks students and professionals with multidisciplinary interests in hydrology and water resources from a technical perspective. We have opportunities in these thematic areas:
- Hydrologic Modeling & Sensing
- Hydrological Processes in Natural Environments
- Urban Hydrology in Arid Areas
For 2025-2026, we are seeking graduate students and postdocs through the AZ Water Innovation Initiative and other efforts.
Contact Information
Prof. Enrique R. Vivoni
Fulton Professor of Hydrosystems Engineering
777 E. University Drive, Tempe, AZ 85287-8704
WCPH Room 418 (office)
480-727-3575 (tel) and [email protected] (email)

Walton Center for Planetary Health