
Enrique Vivoni

Prof. Enrique R. Vivoni

Fulton Professor of Hydrosystems Engineering

Director, Center for Hydrologic Innovations

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Fellow, American Meteorological Society

Fellow, Mexican Academy of Sciences

ASU Search | Google Scholar Profile | Web of Science Profile
ORCID Profile | Current CV December 2024

Research Scholars

Dr. Nidia Rojas-Robles

Assistant Research Professor

Environmental Scientist using Eddy Covariance Method

Dr. Zhaocheng Wang

Postdoctoral Scholar

Remote Sensing Hydrologist and Regional Modeler

Dr. Rose Barzin

Postdoctoral Scholar

Agricultural Remote Sensing and Data Scientist

Dr. Praddy Kaushik

Postdoctoral Scholar

Geospatial Data and Visualization Scientist

Dr. Rafat Qubaja

Assistant Research Scientist

Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing and Isotope Scientist

Graduate Students

Jose Becerra

M.S. Student, SSEBE

Swastik Ghimire

M.S. Student, SSEBE

AHS Scholar

Mary Ferguson

M.S. Student, SSEBE

Akram Hossain

Ph.D. Student, SSEBE

Hydrosystems Graduate Fellow

Shraddha Sharma

M.S. Student, SSEBE

AHS Scholar

Xinyu Chen

Ph.D. Student, SSEBE

Fulton Fellow

Laura Gallegos

M.S. Student, SSEBE

Mohammed Alshehri

Ph.D. Candidate, SSEBE

AZ Water Scholar

Johnny Arriola Reyes

Ph.D. Student, SSEBE

Khayrun Nahar Mitu

Ph.D. Student, SSEBE

Nour Kandalaft

M.S. Student, SSEBE

Jonna Urban

M.S. Student, SESE

Group Alumni

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Robert Wyckoff (MS, 2007), Alex Rinehart (MS, 2008), Kinwai Tai (MS, 2008), Carlos Aragon (MS, 2008), Luis Mendez-Barroso (MS, 2009), Dr. Hugo Gutierrez-Jurado (PhD, 2011)

Arizona State University

School of Earth and Space Exploration: Dr. Taufique Mahmood (PhD, 2012), Dr. Agustin Robles-Morua (Postdoc, 2011-2013), Dr. Luis Mendez-Barroso (PhD, 2014), Kristen Whitney (MS, 2015), Dr. Theodore Bohn (Postdoc, 2013-2016, Research Scientist, 2016-2019), Dr. Vivian Verduzco (Visiting PhD and Research Scientist, 2014-2017), Sarah Khalid (BS, 2017), Dr. Adam Schreiner-McGraw (PhD, 2017), Dr. Eli Perez-Ruiz (PhD, 2021), Zachary Keller (MS, 2021), Luisa Orci Fernandez (MNS, 2022), Dr. Kristen Whitney (PhD, 2022), Charles Kimsal (MS, 2023), Ruby Hurtado (MS, 2024).

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment: Ryan Templeton (MS, 2011), Gretchen Hawkins (MS, 2012), Dr. Hernan Moreno (PhD, 2012), Nicole Pierini (MS, 2013), Thomas Volo (MS, 2013), Cody Anderson (MS, 2013), George Whitten (MSE, 2014), Matthew Hann (MSE, 2014), Dr. Giuseppe Mascaro (Postdoc, 2012-2014), Jorge Cazares-Rodriguez (MS, 2016), Lei Fang (MSE, 2016), Olivia Brancati (Honors, 2016), Vivianna Gamez-Molina (MSE, 2016), Dr. Tiantian Xiang (PhD, 2016), Dr. Nicole Templeton (PhD, 2017), Ivan Lopez-Castrillo (MSE, 2017), Manikanteswar Ramineni (MSE, 2018), Dr. Ara Ko (PhD, 2018), Elizabeth Rockwell (MSE, 2018), Mercedes Kindler (MS, 2021), Brett McDaniel (MSE, 2021), Josh Cederstrom (MS, 2021), Dr. Mu Xiao (Postdoc, 2020-2022), Evan Grace (MSE, 2022), Nicholas Reichman (MSE, 2022), Dr. Kristen Whitney (Postdoc, 2023), Dr. Zhaocheng Wang (PhD, 2023), Tianna Chemello (MSE, 2024), Dr. Xiangmin Sun (Postdoc, 2023-2024), Dr. Haowen Yue (Postdoc, 2022-2024), Dr. Somnath Mondal (Postdoc, 2023-2024), Dr. Wren Raming (Postdoc, 2023-2024)